
Sunday, December 24, 2023

My MERCHR shop of ClickaSnap Images

Visit my MERCHR shop of ClickaSnap images and products. Here is the link

Here is what it looks like.

There are loads of great gift ideas there at reasonable prices. Help spread the word.

My email is 

My ClickaSnap profile is Lens4anEye and can be seen at










Friday, December 15, 2023

ClickASnap has partnered with Merchr Hub for Print on Demand

ClickASnap has partnered with Merchr Hub for Print on Demand services. I added several dozen products with my photography imprinted. Please visit my site and consider a purchase during this holiday season. The link to the site is at

 My ClickASnap profile of images is at Lens4anEye and contains hundreds more images which I have not yet added to the Merchr Shop site. If you email me which image you would like to see printed on one of the Merchr products or as wall art. I will put a specific effort on it for you.
